OK...I have to be all "legal" like here...and, so as to not violate any HIPAA rules or regulations, I will just say that what I am about to tell you is something that I have HEARD from someone else!
Let's just say...there was an 85 year old man, who lived in a Town. He obviously had some sort of dementia or Alzheimers setting in (already set in?). And...in the course of 3 weeks...he had called 911 and requested an ambulance at least 15 times (OK...I'm selfish, because 95% of these calls have come between 3am and 5am!!!). But...he would call 911, because he wasn't sure if he took which of his medications at what time. Basically...he had no idea when he took what medication, or even if he took them at all. And, after reviewing his meds...a couple of them were pretty much VERY IMPORTANT to be taken on time/on schedule!!! So...where do we fall into play???
We have a couple of options. Elder Abuse. We're mandated reporters. But...that REALLY doesn't fit here...I mean, who's he abusing? No one.
That's really the only obvious one. Otherwise...we'd have to really paint a grim picture, to get it to stick.
So...what do we do? I'm HONESTLY NOT being a prick about being woken up at 5am to take this guy to the Hospital because he doesn't remember if he took his 11pm meds or not. I'm not complaining about that. But...this guy lives with his wife...and, partially takes care of his wife. So how can he do that if he has to call 911 to figure out if he took his meds 8 hours ago???
It's a very sticky situation...but one that I think is important. What program, or, WHO, is in place to help this person in this situation??? The answer is...No One. Seriously. Everyone will try to pass him off to someone else, because he's either a "psych" patient, or a "dementia" patient, or just a "wacko". That's where someone can fall through the cracks! And it's sad. And I don't have an answer. But I'm just venting...
12 years ago
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