Monday, May 5, 2008

My Hypocrisy Knows No Bounds...

The other night, I'm working on the ambulance, and it's 1:30am, I'm sound asleep in my bunk, and we get a call to a local nursing home for an unconscious person. We arrive, and are told that the patient has had a couple episodes of unconsciousness over the past 12 hours, and that bloodwork came back and some of his blood levels were off. I asked the staff-member (I won't call her a Nurse), "When was his last episode of being unconscious?", to which she replied, "Oh, at about 1:00am" (it's now 1:40am). I couldn't help myself with this comment...

"Ummmm...ok...I know it's been 15 years since I went to Paramedic School, but at 1:00am, what you are describing sounds like symptoms of SLEEPING!!!" She was not amused. I was not amused. Neither was the patient, when we had to wake him up to move him from his nice, soft, warm bed, to our cold and uncomfortable cot. He was as unconscious as I had been at 1:00am. But what can I say? I'm just a dumb Ambulance Driver. You call, we haul!

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