Hey...Arlen Specter...
Get off your f*cking "I'm a Steelers Fan, and the Steelers suck right now, so I need to exact some sort of revenge to those teams who are better than my beloved Terrible-Towel Steelers" high horse".
Yes, Arlen, I'm a Patriots fan. But, above that, I'm 2 other things. I'm a Football fan, and a Taxpaying American! As such, I would really like to think that my tax dollars (that happen to pay your salary, dude), are going towards a little bit more than you going on your tirade for independent investigations, or even, as you said it would come to, Congressional Hearings. You even said it recently, "Congress is extraordinarily busy on other matters...". Yeah...like we're in a war, we're in a recession, gas prices are near or above $4/gallon, New Orleans is still in shambles years after Katrina, there's crime, unemployment, homelessness, and oh yeah, there's an upcoming Horse and Pony Show called a Presidential Election. Don't you think there's a few more pressing things on the Senate's plate than investigating something that has already been investigated? Just because you have your panties in a twist doesn't mean that you should be wasting my tax money (ie: your salary) to pursue such ventures!
OK...I'm off my soapbox.
But what I am doing, is watching the Celtics game, with 9 minutes left. I'll finish this posting after the game is over, but so far this game has lived up to it's hype...for me, anyway. I hoped that this would be a nail-biter series, and if tonight's Game 1 is any indication, then it will be. It's been back and forth, and then a little while ago, Paul Pierce gets hurt, and is taken out in a wheelchair. I few minutes later, he comes back out, with a sprained knee, to the immediately rejuvenated Boston Celtics fans, comes into the game, and almost immediately hits back-to-back 3-pointers! One of the ESPN announcers said it tonight, and I agree with him 100%. Both teams deserve, and are worthy of, winning the Championship. And no matter who wins...there will be no upset. They both deserve it. Of course...I hope it's the Celt's, but I digress.
Obviously, I'll take the Bruins (who???) out of the picture...but, could you imagine if the Celtics won the Championship...the Red Sox repeated and won the World Series, and then the Patriots won the Superbowl???
Hey...no matter if ANY of that happens this year or not...these past few, and hopefully next few, years, have been/should be good to be Boston Sports Fans.
OK...while I'm waiting for the game to end, so I can close out this posting...did you read that the Steroids Dealer, that fessed up to selling 'Roids to NFL players (and he named names)...was found shot to death at his home with his girlfriend? Does that not seem a little suspicious??? Hmmmmmmmmm...
2:34 to go in the game...Boston is up 91-85. Go Celtics!
OK...Celtics are up by 10 with 16 seconds left. I think it's pretty safe for me to sign off now, knowing that the Celtics have won game 1! GO CELT'S!!!
12 years ago
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